Friday, December 22, 2006

A to Z about Leo

A is for age:
@ 20 and two months exactly

B is for beer of choice:
@ i don't know how to drink sadly... langsung not chinese sialz...

C is for career right now:
@ Student... majoring in messing up and over obsessing on things that i like...

E is for essential item you useeveryday:
@ the thing that i'm looking at now... my PC, secondary is my k700i

F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
# Grey's Anatomy

G is for favorite game:
# currently it's volleyball..

H is for Home town:
# Malacca my home...

I is for instruments you play:
@ use to be able to play the guitar... i gave up after realising that my fingers aren't long enough

J is for favorite juice:
@ juice? i only have ONE favourite liquid, it's called COFFEE...

K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
@ the K in this question will stand for Ken in my answer... i want to kick him in the butt for making me feel like this for him now

L is for last place you eat:
@ in front of my PC while watching Grey's Anatomy

M is for music:
@ Ah Yue - Ai Wo Bie Zhou

N is for next trip you will be taking:
@ SINGAPORE~!!! go shopping for CNY

O is for overnight hospital stays:
@ don't ever wish that i will have to frequent it...

P is for people you were with today:
@ That will be Chi ei and Radikah... then there is my parents and later my baby nephew and his parents

Q is for quote:
@ how do you think a sloth mates?

R is for Biggest Regret:
@ forcing feelings for someone i know i won't have real feelings for...

S is for status:
@ single n lovin' it~!!!

T is for time you woke up today:
@ 9+ to help mum make tang yuen

U is for the color of your umbrella:
@ pink.... and pink panther designs all over...

V is for vegetable you love:
@ every single green leaf except for those with scent

W is for worst habit:
@ shaking my feet...

X is for x-rays you've had
@ my teeth and my heart

Y is for yummy food you eat today:
@ instant noodles from China

Z is for zodiac sign:
@'s totally untrue what they say about librans, by the way.

*sorry im just very bored at the moment...waiting for more Grey's Anatomy episodes to finish downloading*

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