Thursday, November 30, 2006

Don't Take Life for Granted

Moment of silence in memory of our friend Ahmad Tarmizi


He passed away yesterday, did not survive the road accident he was involved in. it's never nice to hear about a death, especially the death of someone we knew. in life, we never know and never WILL know what could happen. we can't take anything for granted and bluff ourselves that everything will be fine and nothing bad will befall on us. love the people around you, let them know that you love them all the time. appreciate everything you have. because you will not know how long you will have them. don't only regret when you've lost them. above it all, love yourself, think about all consequences of your actions. don't be selfish. look around you, what you see is just illusions and you won't have anything forever. nothing is permanent. so always appreciate what you already have.

to the family of our dearly missed friend, condolence and we all share the burden of loosing a loved one. may you rest in peace my friend.

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