Sunday, November 12, 2006

where is the love?

man~!!! what lousy friends i have~!!! nobody offer me any sympathy at all after a break up~!!! you know what is the worst? the 1st person who i told, actually LAUGH OUT LOUD at me~!!! hahahaha~!!! ade ker patut???

i thought i'm a very sadistic rperson, tak sangka got other people more more sadistic than me~!!! hahaha~!!!

no lar... actually i don't even sympathise myself. everybody saw it coming right? ya, i did too. that's why i dare not give out too much promises. better end it now than to do it later where the cut and heart break will be much more worst.

to every single friend of mine, thanks for all the love and support. though you people did not say much to me from the very beginning, i know all of you care a lot for me. thanks for taking my mind off everything. THANKS A LOT PEOPLE~!!!

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