Saturday, August 20, 2005

My Lost

I lost a good friend exactly one year a go. not to death, not to love but to sheer egoism. it did not really bother me at all at that time since i did not see him much after that. he afterall was a person my other friends hated me to be friends with. and good for me too for there was no one to down grade me anymore.

it was not until now that i sat and think about the person i missed in my life. he came to my thoughts right at once. in the past he was one of my first close guy friend. though in other people's eyes, he was nothing more than a bully to me, but i excused him and told myself perhaps he sees me as one of the guys.

really, behind closed doors, we did listen to each other. also the caringness we had for each other. i miss those times too. and we argued, big and small, so many times too, but we would always patched things up with one another sooner or later.

but one act of egoism, tore us up forever. i don't see how we could ever be friends again. though i miss him as a friend but again i don't think we could be the same again.

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