Friday, April 27, 2007

Dedicated to my dear friends of St.Davids!!

11 Names

Can u name 11 people?
Name 11 people you can think of right
now. Don't read
the questions underneath until you
write the names of all 11 people. This
is a lot funnier if you actually
randomly list

the names first.. No cheating!!!

1. yhwee
2. sumi
3. jacjac
4. prash
5. shynn
6. ping
7. kate
8. shien
9. may
10. don
11. law


How did you meet # 4?
-in primary sch, think we started being friends in std. 6

Do you like anyone on the list?
- romantically? hahaha!!! nope...
- friends? every single one... love them to bits!!

What would you do if you hadn't met
number 1?
- nobody bring me to kai-kai... no piza/burger to eat... n most importantly nobody i can confine in lor...

How did you meet #8?
- since primary school but only be closer to him AFTER high school... he is the most gentleman out of all my guy friends...

What do you think of #7?
- my bestest friend since forever literally... giggly, cheery and a lost friend... n u can b sure that ur secrets are most safe with her!!

what would you do if #3 confessed
he/she loves you?
- hahaahaha!! that will be THE day...

Is #2 ur friend?
- my most reliable friend ever... nicest to hang out with...

Whose #9's best friend?
- howie?

Have you ever eaten around #11?
- ya... obviously... got lar, been friends with him for ages di, if no mah something wrong?

Do you miss number #1?
- to bits im telling u... my world is empty without u... huhu...

Who is #3 dating?
- she say no one, i believe her lor...

what do you think of #6?
- i personal little princess who i can't mess aroud with. cutest thing ever... the person who knows me best. we complete each other's sentences.

What do you think about #4?
- very caring, very kuai... so unlike me. she's in bali now.

What would you do if #3 and 9 were
going out??
- hahahahahhahha~!!! will not happen in a million years!!!

Who does #2 like?
- she did not update me on this topic wor... so i guess no one lor...

Do you have any special thing you do with #11?
- define special... in any case... no...

Have you ever been inside #9's house?
- yupz... a few times lor...

Do you love #10?
- my metal super saiyan fren... hahaha~!!! cutest thing ever.

Ever slept in the same room as any of the numbers?
- yes, during sleepovers and camps...

Do u trust them?
- most of them yes... but it really depends on what the 'thing' is


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