Tuesday, August 04, 2009

I Stood Up

When I first met you,
You let me taste the sweetness of rice.

When I came back for more,
You promises me a field full of paddy.

When I had stayed on,
I helped you to plant more fields.

When we had plenty,
I did not realise you had shared them with other.

When I had put in more effort,
I did not notice you had stopped.

When I still continued,
Behind me, you had gone over the top.

When I finally stopped and looked back,
It was already too late.

When I saw that what's left for me is waste,
I remembered crying hard to myself.

When I stopped crying,
I knew I have to stand and clean up the mess.

When I started doing just that,
I have walked in a different direction from you.

When you realise I no longer had your back,
You begged for me to return.

When I looked at your pathetic face,
I know I want no turning back.

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