Friday, January 06, 2006


** shi en, if you want to read the cronicles of narnia book, i advise you to not read this entry of mine, later you say i potong stim only **


i feel like blogging but i don't know what to blog about. ok let me tell you about the 1st book of the chronicles of narnia, the magician's nephew.

it starts with the intoduction to digory (who will grow up to be the professor), a boy who moved from a countryside house to a town house to live with his uncle and aunty who was taking care of his ailling mother. he met a girl named polly, his uncle's neighbour's daughter. the loved exploring the place, in particullar their attic.

digory has a weird uncle which he barely know what he's been up to. one day while exploring the attics, they found a mysterious door which turn up to be the door that leads to his uncle's very exclusive study.

there his uncle tricked the children to wear a ring which he claimed will lead them into another world. as soon as they put o the yellow rings, it led them to a mysterious wood that had many shallow puddles of water. there they realise that as sson as they put on the green rong and jump into a puddle, it will lead them into a different world.

they discovered charn and accidentally woke the evil empress jadis (who will be the white witch in the later book). jadis followed them to our world in a foolish hope of taking it over. there they came into an ugly fight which involved the children, digory's uncle, a cabby and jadis. the children brought the 'troop' into the puddle woods and incidently into the will be world of narnia.

at the world of -- at first -- 'nothing', they witnessed the creation of narnia by a singing lion. they watched the world blossomed into greens and livings. they also witness how the lion made the leaders of each species a talking animal. then they learnt the name of the lion is aslan.

aslan punished digory for introducing an evil to the new world. his punishment was to travel far to bring him the silver apple. so there digory met jadis again, she stole one of the silver apple and was feasting on it. she tried to temp digory to eat the apple for himself and not have to bring it back to aslan. but digory did not listen to him.

once back to aslan, he was given the honor of plating the magical tree (from the seed of the silver apple) to keep the evil witch of harming the animals in narnia. aslan gave digory an apple to be brought home and aid his mother.

with the seeds of the silver apple he fed his mother, digory planted it at his uncle's backyard. it grew into a tree though not as magical as the ones in narnia. years after digory moved back to the country side and after the huge house by the country side and also the town house became his, the very old tree was derooted (because of old age), now the professor, had it chopped up and made into a wardorbe. that is where the wardrobe of the wardrobe in the lion the witch and the the wardrobe was made existed. the end of the first book and the beginning of the others.

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