Wednesday, February 04, 2009

25 Random Facts of Leo~

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

Tagged by: I self tag from Vanessa's blog~ tak tau malu~

1. Apparently I make weird expressions when I talk.
2. I have lived in Melaka for 22 years, only now that I have shifted out to Genting Highlands to start my career.
3. I love spoiling people i love.
4. I can stay in front of any PC for 8 hours (or more) straight.
5. I have been to Langkawi 4 times and counting.
6. I don't eat fish ball/cake
7. I am a Thai food fan.
8. I cry... A LOT~
9. I hate people calling me "Ah Moi"
10. I drove a car into my house' flowerbed and can't explain why.
11. I have a strong imagination power. I can make myself believe in things that my mind make up.
12. My first kiss was when i was 19. hehe~~ yup, I'm a late bloomer~ shy sial.
13. I love Scottish Terriers.
14. I have attended National Service in the year 2004.
15. I'm used to be mistaken as a Malay or a Nyonya (at least)
16. I have been sleeping but not been asleep for many months =)
17. I enjoy singing a lot although I can't sing well.
18. I can read continuosly books after books
19. I have a phobia of enclosed areas with high ceilings/roofs
20. I don't know how to dress up or put on make up
21. I'm planning to get my navel pierced if I can find a gold navel stud first.
22. I did not play any sports ever since I was in Standard 4 (Tae Kwon Do) until a couple of years back where I begun tennis, Badminton and swimming.
23. I can be fake~ very fake at times~
24. I love travelling and trying new things
25. I'm i love =)

Peace out~

Now tag 25 people~

Making things easy, if you have read my crap, your responsibility now is to do it and post it up in your blog~!!!

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